Study of chemical compositions and dry matter degradability of watermelon plant treated with urea, fibrolytic enzyme and natural zeolite

Badparva, N. (2014) Study of chemical compositions and dry matter degradability of watermelon plant treated with urea, fibrolytic enzyme and natural zeolite. Masters thesis, University of Zabol.

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This study was carried out to evaluate changes in chemical composition and nutritional value of watermelon plant silage treated with urea, fibro-lytic enzymes and natural zeolite. For this study watermelon plant was harvested and chopped with cutting length about 3 to 4 cm. The chopped common watermelon plant were mixed with the urea (%5), fibro-lytic enzymes (3 gr/kg DM) and natural zeolite (4 gr/kg DM) ensiled in 5 Kg plastic baskets. The silages were opened after 45 day and chemical compositions including dry matter (DM), ash, ether extract (EE), crude protein (CP), cell well and cell well without hemicelluloses fractions were measured according to the standard procedure (AOAC). Organic matter digestibility in dry matter and metabolizable energy content and dry matter, digestibility were also determined by gas production (in vitro) and nylon bags (in situ) methods. Results showed that the addition of urea caused a significant decrease DM, ADF, NDF, EE content and increased CP and pH content (p< %5). Addition of fibro-lytic enzymes caused a significant decrease of ADF, NDF and OM content a significant increase in CP content but natural zeolite decrease PH and increased NDF, ADF, dry matter ( DM) and ether extract (EE) and so significant increased ash content (p< %5). Overall separate adding of urea, fibro-lytic enzymes and natural zeolite and mixing three additives improved all watermelon plant chemical composition (p< %5). Digestibility results showed that urea and fibro-lytic enzymes caused a significant increase in dry matter digestibility but natural zeolite only at 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours increased the rate of digestion. Gas production results showed that urea reduced the volume of gas produced and fibro-lytic enzymes increased gas production. Natural zeolite decreased the volume of gas produced.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Watermelon plant, Chemical composition, Gas production and Degradability
Subjects: S Agriculture > SB Plant culture
Depositing User: admin admin1 admin2
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2016 06:28
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2016 06:28

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