Explore of Sohrab Sepehri's poems from the perspective of the Baroque school

Bameri, Elias (2015) Explore of Sohrab Sepehri's poems from the perspective of the Baroque school. Masters thesis, University of Zabol.

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This study was conducted BY descriptive analysis method and checks the themes in the lyrics of Mahmoud Moshref Tehrani (M. Azad). M. Azad is one of the contemporary poets that had special language in his poetry and distinct his word from other poets of his era. So that reflects a type of view socially and community-oriented in poetry. According to the study, the themes of poetry of M. Azad divided in five categories: romantic themes, sociopolitical and critical themes, issues of the destruction and despair, naturalism and remembrance and appreciation of contemporary literary figures. The lyrics of M. Azad formed on the basis of the sonnet and this factor is affected the themes of poetry. So the lyrics of socio-political no spirit of protest and more explain the tyranny of society and reflect the frustration of the community. In love poem In addition to "love describe" we can also mention some other poems like "romantic moments", "description lover" and "Parting sorrow sweetheart" "aspects and effects transcendental of Love is taken into consideration.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mahmoud Moshref Tehrani (M. Azad); Lyrical poetry; Themes; Issues; Collected Poems
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General)
Depositing User: admin admin1 admin2
Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2016 04:47
Last Modified: 12 Jun 2016 04:47
URI: http://eprints.uoz.ac.ir/id/eprint/741

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